安德烈·波切利 翻唱电影名曲音乐会 - Andrea.Bocelli.Cinema.2015.Special.Edition

规格 容量 音轨 音质 声道 BDINFO 115
2D 22.76G
5.1 115

《安德烈·波切利 翻唱电影名曲音乐会》需要150经验豆!文档请自行保存!

导演 安德烈·波切利
编剧 安德烈·波切利
主演 安德烈·波切利
类型 音乐|演唱会
官网 http://www.bdiso.net
上映 2015-01-23
地区 意大利
片长 81 分钟
又名 Andrea.Bocelli.Cinema.2015.Special.Edition
IMDB https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0179077
豆瓣 https://movie.douban.com/subject/1494995/
热度 已被 1186 个高清发烧友收藏
剧情 年代:2015

类型:Pop, Classical, Vocal, Easy Listening, Stage & Screen, Ballad

导演:William Ross

出演:Andrea Bocelli, Veronica Berti, Ariana Grande, Nicole Scherzinger, Caterina Murino, The London Symphony Orchestra


Andrea Bocelli历史最具挑战和突破性佳作,世界最美男声再度发声震惊世界


被誉为当今世界最伟大的男歌手,有着当今世界最美男声,同样身为当今世界最著名的男高音的Andrea Bocelli 近日发行了自己的十五张录音室大碟,距离距离上张获得世界性成功的Passione差不多过去三年的时间;三年的时间Andrea Bocelli完成了非常成功的世界巡演,同时出息各大重要场合现献唱,依旧保持着非常良好的状态;

新专辑则是他首张完全翻唱和诠释电影经典个做的专辑,新专辑Andrea Bocelli翻唱了多首大家耳熟能详,同时都是属于电影历史上最伟大的多首经典,专辑的选曲涉及到英语,意大利语和西班牙语等多种语言,而完美的Andrea都非常完美的表现了所有的歌曲的内容以及多语言演唱的实力,当今世界著名古典巨星的实力确实相当不凡;

这应该是Andrea Bocelli历史最具挑战性的作品,专辑选曲多样,涉及多种风格,专辑的一些歌曲需要流行的演唱方式,而一些歌曲又是需要完全古典的演唱方式,而Andrea Bocelli再这些风格类型的作品完全游刃有余的发挥的堪称完美;在流行的作品里面他可以非常唯美的表现出这些经典作品的唯美,而在古典类的作品里面,他又展现出自己雄厚以及扎实的古典音乐功底,演唱极具力度和大气;

专辑还邀请了 Ariana Grande和Nicole Scherzinger当今世界著名的流行女伶参与专辑的合唱,不过效果只能说很一般,两人和这样的雄厚实力的巨星一合唱真是各种短板就显现出来,两人都是低音表现非常高,但是到了真正展现本事的高音那真是不敢恭维,但是整体效果还是非常好的;

一张大气厚重,无比优美,优雅精美,让人无比陶醉的流行古典佳作,整张专辑全交响乐伴奏,而Andrea Bocelli的演唱太出色了,每一首歌都让人意犹未尽,无比沉醉,他完美的演绎了所有这些电影传世经典所想表达的意境,让你仿佛再度回到了这些经典的电影故事当中;专辑发行之后再次获得了压倒性的赞美,所有评论家都表达了对于Andrea Bocelli无与伦比的实力的折服,2015年度古典流行大作,Andrea Bocelli的歌迷不可错过。

The international superstar tenor lends his unique voice to a lush symphonic salute to the movies, Andrea Bocelli: Cinema, celebratingsome of the greatest celluloid songs and scores of all time written by a varied range of Italian and Hollywood composers. The concert special also reunites Bocelli with legendary music producer David Foster, whose first collaboration with the tenor was Foster's own Academy Award-nominated song "The Prayer," a duet with Celine Dion in 1999.

The songs in this new concert many from Oscar-winning scores are also featured on Bocelli's new album Cinema which will be released globally on October 23 on Sugar Music/Universal Music Group and Verve Music Group in the USA. These cinematic songs are etched in the culture and hearts of several generations including epic theme songs featured in films such as "Doctor Zhivago," "Love Story," "The Godfather," "Life is Beautiful," "Il Postino," "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and many more, as well as popular songs from stage musicals, IMMORTALIZED by their film versions, such as "West Side Story" and "Evita." As a special bonus, there's a brand new song fashioned from the popular "Gladiator" score.

Hollywood luminaries John Travolta, Ryan O'Neal, Ali McGraw, and Andy Garcia join Bocelli onstage to speak about the films from which the songs derive.

Bocelli has said he believes film music is "an exceptional artistic treasure trove." His legendary voice, backed by fresh arrangements, brings new life to some of the greatest musical masterpieces for film by legendary composers from Leonard Bernstein to Ennio Morricone.


• Recorded live at The Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, CA

01. Maria from "West Side Story"

02. Se from 'Nuovo Cinema Paradiso"

03. Moon River from 'Breakfast At Tiffany's"

04. Cheek To Cheek duet With Veronica Berti from "Top Hat"

05. Be My Love from "The Toast Of New Orleans"

06. E Piu Ti Penso duet With Ariana Grande from "Once Upon A Time In America"

07. Brucia La Terra from "The Godfather"

08. La Chanson De Lara from "Dr. Zhivago"

09. Mi Mancherai from "Il Postino/The Postman"

10. Historia De Amor from "Love Story"

11. Por Una Cabeza from "Scent Of A Woman"

12. No Llores Por Mi Argentina duet With Nicole Scherzinger from "Evita"

13. The Music Of The Night from "The Phantom Of The Opera"

14. Sorridi Amore Vai from "Life Is Beautiful"

15. L'amore E Una Cosa Meravigliosa from "Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing"






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