2016年维也纳新年音乐会 - Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker 2016

规格 容量 音轨 音质 声道 BDINFO 115
2D 38.59G
5.1 115


导演 Michael Beyer
编剧 Michael Beyer
主演 Wiener Philharmoniker / 马里斯·杨颂斯 / Schloss Schönbrunn Freudenau-Wien
类型 音乐|纪录片|演唱会
官网 https://www.wienerphilharmoniker.at
上映 2016-01-01
地区 奥地利
片长 127 分钟
又名 2016年维也纳新年音乐会
IMDB https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5310590
豆瓣 https://movie.douban.com/subject/34797521/
热度 已被 1140 个高清发烧友收藏
剧情 2016年维也纳新年音乐会的主题是“ 在舞蹈庆典中稳步发展”,将由曾经两度执棒的拉脱维亚指挥大师马里斯·杨松斯指挥。杨松斯的指挥风格热情洋溢,对音色的追求在当代可谓独领风骚,在维也纳新年音乐会上的表现总会让观众沐浴在热烈和愉悦的气氛之中。曾经两度指挥维也纳新年音乐会的经历给了这位指挥家丰富的面对新年第一场音乐盛宴的经验,尤其是2012年的第二度合作,杨松斯与维也纳童声合唱团可爱的孩子们精妙默契的合作更是令人印象深刻。而当面对2016年的第三度执棒时,杨松斯首先想到的还是这群可爱的孩子们。在这场音乐会上,维也纳童声合唱团的孩子们将会为大家演唱约翰·施特劳斯的《快乐的歌手法兰西波尔卡》和约瑟夫·施特劳斯的《假日旅行快速波尔卡》。

The Vienna Philharmonic New Year's Concert took place under the baton of Mariss Jansons on January 1, 2016, in the Golden Hall of the Musikverein in Vienna. Mariss Jansons, whose musical collaboration with the Vienna Philharmonic goes back to 1992, conducted the New Year's Concert for the third time, following 2006 and 2012. The New Year's Concert 2016 also represented the 75th anniversary of this unique cultural event.

As a brand name, the Vienna New Year’s Concert can trace back its origins to 31 December 1939. In other words, the concert initially took place on the last day of the year. By 1941, however, it was being held on 1 January, when the Vienna Philharmonic established a tradition that continues to flourish to this day.
The list of names of leading conductors who have led the Vienna Philharmonic’s New Year’s Concerts reads like a veritable who’s who of great maestros: including Herbert von Karajan, Lorin Maazel, Claudio Abbado, Carlos Kleiber, Zubin Mehta, Riccardo Muti, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Seiji Ozawa, Mariss Jansons, and Franz Welser-Möst.

It is not least thanks to this illustrious succession of great conductors that the Vienna New Year’s Concert remains unique, ushering in the New Year in a way that has often been imitated but never equalled. Its universal popularity is undoubtedly due to the direct – or deferred – live broadcast from the flower-filled Golden Hall of the Vienna Musikverein. The first broadcast went out on Eurovision in 1959, the first colour relay in 1967. Now the concert is shown in countries throughout almost the entire world.

It continues to be works by members of the Strauss family – Johann Strauss Father and Son as well as Eduard and Josef Strauss – that are central to this media event. Old favourites from their output are heard alongside others that have never been recorded or are only rarely heard; all of them programmed around two fixed points in the concert: the Blue Danube Waltz and the Radetzky March.

Mariss Jansons ranks among the outstanding podium personalities of our time. He has been the Chief Conductor of the Chor und Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks since 2003. After several exceptionally successful seasons, his contract was prolonged until 2018. Until recently he was also the chief conductor of the Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest in Amsterdam (2004-2015) and held both prestigious positions of a chief conductor at both orchestras. Both ensembles made the top 10 in a 2008 Gramophone list of the world's top 20 orchestras

1 Robert Stolz:UNO Marsch Op.1275罗伯特·施托尔茨:国际联合进行曲(联合国进行曲)(首演曲目)
2 Johann Strauss II:Schatz-Walzer Op.418小约翰·施特劳斯:珍宝圆舞曲
3 Johann Strauss II:Violetta,Polka francaise Op.404 小约翰·施特劳斯:维奥莱塔法兰西波尔卡(首演曲目)
4 Johann Strauss II:Vergnugungszug, Polka schnell Op.281小约翰·施特劳斯:游览列车快速波尔卡
5 Carl Michael Ziehrer : Weana Madln,Walzer,Op.388卡尔·迈克尔·齐雷尔:维也纳少女圆舞曲(首演曲目)
6 Eduard Strauss:Mit Extrapost,Polka Schnell Op.259爱德华·施特劳斯 《特快邮件》快速波尔卡
7 Johann Strauss II:Eine Nacht in Venedig,Ouverture小约翰·施特劳斯:威尼斯之夜序曲
8 Eduard Strauss:Ausser Rand und Band,Polka Schnell Op.168爱德华·施特劳斯:激动万分快速波尔卡(首演曲目)
9 Josef Strauss:Spharenklange,Walzer Op.235约瑟夫·施特劳斯:天体乐声圆舞曲
10 Johann Strauss II:Sangerlus,Polka francaise Op.328小约翰·施特劳斯:歌者的喜悦(愉快的歌手)法兰西波尔卡 (首演曲目,维也纳童声合唱团参演)
11 Josef Strauss:Auf Ferienreise,Polka Schnell Op.133约瑟夫·施特劳斯:假期旅行快速波尔卡 (维也纳童声合唱团参演)
12 Johann Strauss II:Entr‘acte Furstin Ninetta>小约翰·施特劳斯:轻歌剧《侯爵夫人尼奈塔》第二幕间奏曲 (首演曲目)
13 Emil Waldteufel:Espana,Walzer Op.236埃米尔·瓦尔德退费尔:西班牙圆舞曲 (首演曲目)
14 Joseph Hellmesberger,Sr:Ball-Szene老约瑟夫·赫尔梅斯伯格:舞会场景 (首演曲目)
15 Johann Strauss I:Seufzer-Galopp Op.9老约翰·施特劳斯:叹息加洛普
16 Josef Strauss:Libelle,Polka mazurka Op.204约瑟夫·施特劳斯:蜻蜓玛祖卡波尔卡
17 Johann Strauss II:Kaiser-Walzer Op.437小约翰·施特劳斯:皇帝圆舞曲
18 Johann Strauss II:Auf der Jagd,Polka Schnell Op.373小约翰·施特劳斯:在猎场上快速波尔卡
19 Johann Strauss II:Im Sturmschritt,Polka Schnell Op.348小约翰·施特劳斯:飞奔快速波尔卡
20 Johann Strauss II:An der schonen blauen Donau,Walzer小约翰·施特劳斯:蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲
21 Johann Strauss I:Radetzky-Marsch老约翰·施特劳斯:拉德茨基进行曲






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